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How do I place my order?
Simply choose your style on the product page then click the “Add To Cart” button and follow the simple steps to complete your order.
We’ll prepare your order and let you know when it's on its way!
How long will it take to ship my order?
My tracking number isn’t working
I need help with a late order
What type of payments do you accept?
When will my card be charged?
How secure is my personal information?
How much does shipping cost?
The shipping cost may vary depending on the shipment location and the store's policy, such as the number of products purchased. You may get your exact shipping expenses by adding products to your cart, proceeding to checkout, and inputting your mailing address. The shipping cost will be updated immediately and displayed in your final cost.
Where do we deliver?
Can the order be delivered to multiple addresses?
Do you offer delivery to PO boxes or Military APO/ FPO addresses?
Is express shipping available?
When will my card be charged?
How do i use a promo code on checkout?
How can I track my package?
It may take 3-5 business days for tracking numbers to appear in the system of the shipping company. Depending on the shipping option you choose, it's possible that the tracking information won't be immediately available, but you can be sure that your shipment is still being delivered normally. Please get in touch with our customer support if your order hasn't arrived after 30 business days (domestic US) or 45 business days (international).
Where do we deliver?
How long do refunds and replacements take?
When there are unknown charges, what should I do?
How can I edit/cancel my order?
We typically start processing your order as soon as it is placed to ensure you will receive it on time. As a result, once an order has been processed, certain information cannot be modified. Within six hours of placing your order, please reach us via our Contact Form if you need to change any order details so that we can assist in making possible changes.
Is there a cancellation fee available?
How can I exchange my items?
When will my card be charged?
As soon as your order has been successfully placed.
Why my payment isn't accepted?
What if I find something suspicious regarding my purchase?
We take efforts at fraud, scamming, phishing, and spoofing seriously. Please get in touch with our customer support team right once if you receive any correspondence that you suspect may not be from our store.
How secure is my personal information?
What is the process for quality assurance?
Let us know if you have any issues with your order